Take a stand

The group took a stand on 4 tough statements from totally agree through to totally disagree and debated notions of rights, the position and status of young people, our views and approaches to young people and how to help change happen.


The 4 statements were:

1. Young people have equal rights as residents

2. Young people are the main causes of nuisance in their neighbourhoods.

3. We are failing young people in their neighbourhoods and communities.

4. We will make little progress without the participation of young people in the decisions that affect them where they live.


The conversation helped us:

·         Explore vision and values behind community based youth work responses.

·         Debate core ideas and principles of children and young people as residents.

·         Gain agreement about core vision and values underpinning neighbourhood responses to young people.


The picture is of the group’s stance on the last statement.