Community activism training resource

As part of the YPFN programme, we have developed a community activism training resource which can be used all at once or in bits as best suits your needs.

Community Activism is a resource for children, young people and adults to use locally to help strengthen community action to help make where we live a better place. It is based on Act by Right which you can also get for free at

Community Activism helps those of us involved in our neighbourhoods to think about the part we play and the values, knowledge and skills to help us work well together and make change happen where we live.

The journey has five suggested places to visit, but lots of opportunity to change the itinerary, do more in some areas and less in others or go to other places not mentioned in this short resource guide.

The journey

1. We start by getting to know each other and representing others.

2. Venturing out, we look around and get to know our community.

3. Landing in new territory, we get ready for action.

4. We then branch out a bit further, discovering new knowledge and skills as we explore how to help make change happen and campaign for change.

5. And all good journeys need a chance to look back, share our experiences, find out what’s changed and what we plan to do next.